The Rutles Wiki

Saturday Night Live is an American late-night live sketch comedy show broadcast from New York City created by Lorne Michaels and Dick Ebersol, beginning as NBC's Saturday Night on October 11, 1975. The show revolves around sketches parodying current events, American culture, and politics. Ron Nasty performed on the show April 23, 1977.


On January 24, 1976, "Saturday Night Live" producer Lorne Michaels made an offer on live television of $3,000 to The Rutles to appear on the late-night comedy show. The camera then zoomed in for a close-up of a $3,000 check from NBC made payable to The Rutles. Having had no response from the pre-Fab Four, a month later, on February 22, 1976, Michaels upped the ante to $3,200 - an extra $50 each!

Dirk and Stig's lawyers had a very expensive lunch to discuss it, but all that came out of the meeting was a public lewdness charge and a maternity suit.


Nasty performing Cheese and Onions


Nasty did show up to perform Cheese and Onions on the show on April 23, 1977.

External Links[]

SNL Wiki
