"(Listen to The) Flower People" is a 1967 song by Spinal Tap. This was Spinal Tap's first big hit. It was written by then-bass player Ronnie Pudding, who wrote it after drinking Tea.
The song was released during the Summer of Lunch and was inspired by the Rutles album Sgt. Rutter's Only Darts Club Band, with the song being Spinal Tap's attempt to jump on the psychedelic bandwagon. It was released as a single in July 1967 during the band's ill-fated hippie phase.
Listen to what the flower people say
Listen! It's getting louder every day
Listen! It's like a bolt out of the blue
Listen! It could be calling out for you
Flower people, walk on by
Flower people, don't you cry
It's not too late, No
It's not too late...
Listen! It's like a Mozart symphony
Listen! It's something just for you and me
Listen to what the flower people say
Listen! It's getting truer every day